Author Archives: admin

Green to reform UK Immigration System further

Mr Green said that “This report demonstrates why the immigration system needs radical reform. This government has already introduced an annual limit on economic migrants, including a significant tightening of the ICT rules, and sweeping changes to the student visa system. Later this year we will propose a shake-up of the family and settlement route. […]

Schengen System to be radically changed

Last month Italy was given a warning by Germany, France, Russia and Switzerland over the country’s decision to grant more than 25,000 Schengen Visas to Tunisian economic migrants who have been fleeing the country on fishing boats in droves since the start of the year. So far in 2011 25,000 Tunisians (who are considered ‘economic […]

UKBA not doing enough to make sure migrants go home

The Chair of the Public Accounts Committee, Margaret Hodge, said that “The UKBA has not got a grip on making sure that migrant workers whose visas have expired actually leave the UK. It estimates that 181,000 such workers are staying on without permission, but it can\’t even verify the figures, and does not try to […]

UKBA Publishes Business Plan for 2011 – 2015

In the forward Theresa May, George Osborne & William Hague confirm that ‘Our approach to securing our border and controlling immigration impacts on the security, social and economic interests of the UK. We will protect the border and ensure that Britain remains open for business.’ ‘Immigration has enriched our culture and strengthened our economy, but […]

Indians to fall under new Irish Visa Waiver Programme

Alan Shatter, the Justice and Defence Minister for the Republic of Ireland said that “This is a major change in public policy. It is the first time that Ireland has contemplated such a programme and as such it is proposed that it be pilot tested from July of this year to October 12th. The programme […]

Demand for IT Contractors twice as strong as demand for Permanent Workers in Q1 2011

Key figures from the survey: Total IT hiring still down 70% from its peak in 2007 Quarter 1 of 2011 saw a 11% increase in job postings for highly skilled contractors Quarter 1 of 2011 saw a 5% increase in job postings for highly skilled permanent professionals Alongside Oracle and .NET, C now accounts for […]

StartUp Britain criticised by North East Software Industry

Mr Callaghan said that “We can see no reason why any number of the North East\’s 350 software companies could not be included among the business tools signposted on StartUp Britain and we would be delighted to act as your gateway to them. It seems bizarre that a government-backed scheme claiming to be the cheerleader […]

Social Media second least popular recruitment tool

Jim Albert, the Managing Director of Modis International, said that “Given that IT recruitment and social media would seem destined to be close allies, the results of this survey are certainly surprising. It should be remembered that social media is best used as part of a wider, multi-media recruitment drive, and this could account for […] Job Index falls by 3 points in April 2011

The Managing Director of, Martin Warnes, said that “The index remains over 20 per cent higher than last year’s level following the steep increase in the first quarter of the year, mirroring falling unemployment and rising GDP figures for the same period. Clearly business growth has been sustained at a higher level than the […]