Author Archives: admin

REC says temporary jobs market slowing due to uncertainty over the AWR

The Chief Executive of the Recruitment & Employment Confederation, Kevin Green, said that “This month’s Report on Jobs shows a clear split developing in the UK labour market. Public sector employment is radically slowing while there is growth in the private sector, confirming that we are now in a two-speed jobs market. A number of […]

Monster Employment Index increases by 1% in April

Isabelle Ratinaud, a spokesperson for Monster UK & Ireland, said that “The Monster Employment Index for April demonstrates a positive forecast for worker demand around the UK. In particular, the technical and industrial sectors have seen a boost in activity.  With elementary occupational job opportunities also growing, this is positive for young job-seekers.” In other […]

Powerchex says confirmed job offers fell by 3% in April 2011

Overall the number of offers in investment banking fell by 30% in April. On the figures the founder of Powerchex, Alexandra Kelly, said that \”Many banks are reviewing and restructuring their operations, it\’s probably reasonable to expect that recruitment in the investment banking divisions will slow down. However, with April being so disrupted by bank […]

Scottish Labour Market continuing to improve

The Chief Economist at the Bank of Scotland, Donald MacRae, said that “The latest Report on Jobs shows a further improvement in the Scottish labour market. The number of people placed in to permanent positions increased for the seventh consecutive month, while demand for permanent staff rose markedly in April, with recruitment consultants registering a […]

Drop in UK Unemployment Figures

The Head of Policy at the Recruitment and Employment Confederation, Gillian Econopouly, said that “Though this continuing trend is welcome, we cannot lose sight of the fact that the jobs market remains volatile. Our latest Report on Jobs shows that while hiring activity in certain sectors is steadily increasing, there is still concern over the […]

Graduate use of Business Social Media Tools to fuel future boom?

A recent study by graduate career site WikiJob found that 63% of graduate respondents were on LinkedIn whereas only 23% of older respondents used the site. The results suggest that graduates, who are generally more familiar with social media applications are more willing to use it as a job-seeking tool. According to the report Graduates […]

REC says Tier 2 ICT route must be properly policed and Implemented

The Head of Public Policy at the REC, Gillian Econopouly, said that “Fundamentally, the immigration system needs to be flexible to business and this includes the ability to bring senior internal people across from other countries in order to lead projects and create more jobs. The exemption for ICTs is a sensible step in this […]

34% of City finance professionals are considering working overseas

The Managing Director EMEA and APAC at, James Bennett, said that “The fight to retain good people is on. And while the majority may wish to stay in the UK, significant numbers are now looking towards Asia, drawn by the prospect of lower taxes, better work-life balance, and better economic opportunities. Indeed, the City […]

361 “Restricted” CoS Applications Rejected in April

According to new figures provided by the UK Border Agency 361 applications for Restricted Certificates of Sponsorship were rejected in April 2011 due to the fact that they did not meet eligibility criteria based on skills and salary. In order for a Certificate of Sponsorship to be approved by the UK Border Agency the job […]

Tier 2 Intra Company Transfer Route criticised by Public Accounts Committee

Margaret Hodge, the Chairperson of the Public Accounts Committee, said that \”Most workers enter through this route and, for instance, tens of thousands of IT workers have been brought in through intra-company transfers at a time when UK residents with IT skills are struggling to find work. Some two-thirds of the migrants using this route […]