The Tier 4 graduate career programme

As a Tier 4 student, at the end of the academic year, you will be in competition with lots (if not most) of your fellow students, looking for jobs in the UK that can lead to Tier 2 sponsorship & eventual UK Permanent Residence.

There are large numbers of highly technically able, and motivated, graduates.   In our experience, there is a subset that has what it takes to make success a predictable outcome, rather than a happy accident.  

The key attributes are:

  •  Top flight technical skills: A degree (ideally Masters) in a STEM subject, or in Finance
  • Work experience.  Ideally full time work between undergraduate and master’s degrees, but, potentially, through amazing holiday and term time work
  • A ‘Techno-commercial’ approach: combining the technical expertise that goes with their degree(s), with a proven commercial track record.  The commercial track record is best demonstrated by showing a potential employer that you can bring to them not only your skills, but also business opportunities.


The techno-commercial approach

If I run a consulting company, and you come to me saying

‘There is this amazing opportunity at the BBC.  They need this Java development project delivered, Mr Smith is the project manager, call him on.  If you get the project, hire me, and I can deliver it. Not only that, from my ability to find this project, you can be confident that I will be a general asset to your business; not only delivering high quality work that makes your clients happy, but finding new opportunities and helping your business grow’

Why would I not want to hire you?

(Alas, don’t try finding ‘work’ where the client is your father/uncle/aunt etc:  even if there was a true need for the work, it would be almost impossible to believe that the requirement was genuine)

If you have done this, and now have a project, as well as your talents, to offer a potential employer please fill in the form below.