Search Results for: Tier 2 Visa (formerly UK Work Permit).

Agency Workers Directive (AWD) & Other Employment Legislation Will Cost £25 Billion Say British Chamber Of Commerce

The President of the British Chamber of Commerce, Neville Reyner, called for the Government to postpone the increase in National Insurance Contributions, additional Paternity Leave legislation and the Agency Workers Directive until 2014. He believes that the Government should look again at some of the legislation and used a phased approach to bring in the […]

Contractors Set To Face Less Limited Company Red Tape

The Coalition Government has issued an online invitation to the public to nominate the unnecessary laws and regulations they would like to see scrapped. High on any Contractors list will no doubt be the scrapping of Intermediaries Legislation, otherwise known as IR35. In a statement Nick Clegg said \”Too many of the business and voluntary […]

Special Report: UK Immigration Cap Consultation

Background In the run up to the General Election the Conservative Government included in their election manifesto plans for an Immigration Cap that world ‘reduce net migration to the level of the 1990s – tens of thousands, not hundreds of thousands’. Under the previous Labour Government inward migration had increased significantly driven mainly by economic […]

REC Concerned About UK Immigration Cap

The Chief Executive of the Recruitment and Employment Confederation, Kevin Green, said that \”There were huge skills shortages before the recession and if the private sector is to grow rapidly out of recession, it will need skilled workers to do so.  An artificial cap on immigration will affect business growth and delivery of core services […]

Hays Say Immigration Cap Will Widen Health Sector Skill Shortages

Mr Faraguna said that “Despite the high unemployment levels in the UK, we are still struggling to recruit certain skills and are faced with an ageing workforce so would not recommend a blanket approach to immigration. Skill shortages are prevalent in a number of areas of social care and affect many healthcare disciplines. For example, […]

HCL Welcomes Calls By BMA For Review Of Overseas Doctor Processes

The focus of BMA efforts seem to be directed at those Doctors from within the European Economic Area (EEA) rather than outside. At the present time Doctors from outside the EEA (e.g. India, South Africa, Pakistan etc) must undergo tough English Language tests and pass a two part PLAB test with the GMC in order […]

Permanent Immigration Cap Likely To Be Watered Down According To Chartered Institute Of Personnel & Development (CIPD)

The Chief Economist at the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), John Philpott, said that \”I think there will be a compromise with a limit on the numbers of immigrants coming in, but with the cap as not much more than a flexed points system, which is stricter in certain categories but has the […]

UK Immigration Cap Could Damage Economic Recovery According To The British Chamber Of Commerce

Mr Frost said that “We need to be careful that at a time when we need to get all the growth we can in the UK economy that we remember the needs of British business. The City for example relies on a pool of global talent; specialist engineering companies working in the North Sea, those […]

Indian Government Concerned About UK Immigration Cap & Restrictions

Recently the Government announced a temporary Immigration Cap that will reduce visa approvals under Tier 1 General & Tier 2 General by 5% based on last years figures. The temporary Immigration Cap is a short term measure that will be in place until the permanent Immigration Cap is introduced in April 2011. David Cameron, the […]

Tier 2 General (Work Permit) Temporary Immigration Cap Details Released By The UK Border Agency

How will the temporary Immigration Cap work? Full details of how the Tier 2 temporary Immigration Cap will be operated will be announced by the UK Border Agency in the coming weeks with a new application form and guidance document released on the 19th July 2010. However, we do know that the interim limit will […]