Search Results for: Tier 2 Visa (formerly UK Work Permit).

Immigration Cap Expected To Drive NHS Specialist Nurse Training

Peter Griffiths, the director of the National Nursing Research Unit, has said the onus is on the NHS to solve any shortages by training its own staff, rather than recruiting from abroad. Mr Griffiths recently told the Nursing Times that some areas, including theatre nurses, were experiencing shortages because they were no longer part of […]

London & South East Responsible For 64% Of All New Information Technology Jobs In The UK

ReThink Recruitment Director, Michael Bennett, said that “London has a high concentration of financial services firms, which are heavy users of IT skills. Many of them responded to the downturn by cutting their IT departments to the bone. As businesses levels have picked up, many have found themselves understaffed and have had to replace a […]

Demand For IT Workers Up By 20% On 2009

Dave Pye of the Recruitment and Employment Confederations (REC) technology sector group said that “A lot of the growth we have seen has been for business technology skills, rather than just pure-play technology skills, for areas like financial services or pharmaceuticals, underlining demand for people that can get things done. The demand we have seen […]

Gartner Advises CIOs To Postpone & Delay Projects In Face Of Second Economic Downturn

Gartner recommends CIOs to: Act Now: The Company recommends senior staff to convene now as most official national recession declarations are only announced well after the actual start of a recession Focus on the current Financial Year: CIOs should determine which projects to approve, postpone or cancel Focus on the next Financial Year: Once all […]

NHS NPfIT Set For Major Overhaul Following Announcement Of Radical Changes To NHS

The proposals include plans to: Allow patients to communicate with their clinicians via an online system Give patients access to their Medical Records Maximise the use of Choose and Book, the online appointment booking system used by GPs to organise consultant meetings for patients Although the National Programme for Information Technology was not mentioned in […]

Radical Changes To The NHS Proposed: Patient Information & Choice

No decision about me without me The Government intends to create a ‘shared decision making’ environment in the National Health Service between patients and healthcare providers. Based on International evidence the Government believes that the changes will result in improved treatment, increased patient satisfaction and significant cost savings. Government proposals are based on three key […]

Contractors Call For IR35 To Be Abolished On New Government Website

The Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, said that “This site gives you the chance to tell us which laws and regulations you think we should get rid of. Your feedback will inform government policy and some of your proposals could end up making it into bills we bring before Parliament to change the law. We\’ve […]

Junior Doctors Missing Out On Medical Training Due To The European Working Time Directive (EWTD)

Although there was widespread agreement from the medical community on the impact of the European Working Time Directive on medical training Sir John’s recommendations were called into question by a number of industry groups including the Royal College of Surgeons. In the report Sir John recommend that services needed to be revised so that Consultant […]

NHS Job Cuts Despite Government Promises Warns Royal College Of Nursing

The Chief Executive of the Royal College of Nursing, Peter Carter, said that “Our figures expose the myth that front-line services will be protected. If this trend for cuts continues, the NHS will soon be straining at the seams. Local NHS organisations appear to be adopting a slash and burn approach to jobs, which is […]