Search Results for: Tier 2 Visa (formerly UK Work Permit).

PCG calls for AWR clarity

The Managing Director of the Professional Contractors Group (PCG), John Brazier, said that \”The Agency Worker Regulations already exempt contractors working through their own limited companies and the genuinely self-employed. In our view this needs to be made as unambiguous as possible in the accompanying guidance. No room must be left for misinterpretation otherwise PCG […]

New North / South Divide Developing?

The Senior Economist at The Work Foundation, Neil Lee, said that \”The public sector is not just an employer – it provides services and is an important customer for local businesses. Cutting public spending will have knock-on effects on private sector employment, and this will be worse in areas with weaker economies.\” The Director of the […]

Tier 1 Immigration Cap Reached For October

The UK Border Agency (UKBA) has announced that is has reached the interim Immigration Cap for the month of October and no more visas will be issued to overseas applicants under Tier 1 General until the limit allocation reopens once more on Monday the 1st November 2010. If you are applying from outside of the […]

Transport for London to let commuters use contactless payments

The Mayor’s transport advisor, Kulveer Ranger, said that \”These technologies have the potential to take us into a world where travelling around London can be easier and even more convenient for passengers. This technology is now maturing and could enable people to pay for their travel using credit or debit cards – resulting in a […]

APSCO says Tier 2 ICT must be included in Immigration Cap

APSCo told Migration Advisory Committee that \”If intra-company transfers are excluded the Immigration Cap will do little to restrict the influx of non-EU IT workers to the UK.\” Ann Swain, the Chief Executive of APSCo also said that the Resident Labour Market Test should also be applied to Intra Company Transfers. She went on to […]

HCL boss calls for English Language tests for EEA Medical Professionals

Kate Bleasdale told the Recruiter “Currently, over a third of doctors registered with the General Medical Council were trained overseas. With a growing and ageing population, the UK is clearly reliant on highly skilled overseas professionals. Demand for international doctors is only going to increase in the UK in the years to come. What is […]

Home Office Budget cut by 23% – Down to £8.5 Billion by 2014/15

Of the 20,000 active posts currently within the UK Border Agency more than 5,000 are expected to go, with officials insisting that the impact on border controls can be kept to a minimum by making efficiency savings and improving productivity. In response to the Spending Review the UK Border Agency has said that ‘while meeting […]

Tier 1 & Tier 5 Migrants will require Biometric Residence Permits

The biometric residence permits, which are already required by Tier 2 migrants, will replace the stickers (known as ‘vignettes’) which Tier 1 and Tier 5 (Temporary Worker) migrants currently hold in their passports. In the future these migrants will be required to provide biometric information including a digital photograph and fingerprints before being allowed to […]

NHS Trust shuts department over Middle & Junior Doctor Shortages

Dr Chris Streather, the Trusts Chief Executive said that \”A clinical safety review carried out by independent senior clinicians commissioned by NHS London across all of our sites, and supported by the Trust\’s medical and nursing directors, has concluded that there are significant safety risks, particularly in regard to a serious shortage of emergency medicine […]