Search Results for: Tier 2 Visa (formerly UK Work Permit).

More than 50% of SMEs planning to increase IT spend in 2011

The Managing Director of one of Orange’s customers, Dr Andrea Ercole, said that \”We\’re planning on hiring more staff and doubling our headcount. We\’re also seeing many businesses now collaborating through social media, and plan to invest more in this area in order to reach out to new and existing customers.\” According to a recent […]

iPhone App lets users rate NHS services and keep track of records & appointments

It will be interesting to see how the new app fares with future NHS IT developments. Earlier in the year the Coalition Government announced plans to hand more power to patients by setting up an online patient portal which would give patients access to medical records, give them details of doctors appointments and provide a […]

Efficiency savings will push NHS to breaking point

In the report the Health Select Committee said that \”The health settlement represents a significant challenge to the NHS, requiring efficiency savings on an unprecedented scale. It is vital that these savings are made by efficiency gains rather than making cuts. Unfortunately, we do not believe that the Government is providing a clear enough narrative […]

NHS Bosses say pace of Health Reform dangerous

Health bosses are concerned that ministers are playing a high risk strategy in abolishing Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) which are responsible for making sure that the NHS sticks to its £80bn budget. The Government has been told that it is focusing far too much on overall costs rather than improving patient care and that it […]

28% of UK firms plan to recruit in 2011

The Head of Human Resources services at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Michael Rendell, said that “The United Kingdom has lost its position as the world\’s most educated workforce, which is particularly worrying as we come out of the recession and may limit future growth. Firms must take a more systematic approach to learning and development. Ensuring staff […]

REC / KPMG Jobs Survey shows positive increase

The Chief Executive of the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC), Kevin Green, said that \”The latest data shows stronger rises in both permanent and temporary placements in November 2010. This is an improvement following a sustained slowdown in growth since April. The jobs market remains fragile – especially in light of the public sector squeeze […]

REC & Government meet to discuss AWR

Commenting on the discussions, Kevin Green, the Chief Executive of the REC said that \”We were delighted that the Minister accepted our invitation to visit the REC office and meet some of our members. The meeting was significant on both a symbolic and a practical level. There is a genuine desire to engage with the […]

Scotland calls for separate Immigration Cap

In the letter Business leaders and industry organizations in Scotland said that “A limit on net non-European Economic Area (EEA) migration to bring it to the level of \’tens of thousands a year\’ is likely to impede Scotland\’s economic recovery and distort the labour market. We are deeply concerned that the annual limit will have […]

Tier 1 Application Limit Reached for December 2010

The UK Border Agency (UKBA) has announced that theTier 1 application limit (Immigration cap) for December 2010 has now been reached and no more applications will be processed until January 2011. If you are considering applying under Tier 1 General your last chance to apply may be in January 2011 as (1) Tier 1 General […]