Search Results for: Tier 2 Visa (formerly UK Work Permit).

Samsung Job Creation may drive demand for cutting edge Software Engineers

The Managing Director of Vertex Solutions, Mark Beard, told The Recruiter “There is a lot of competition in the slate marketplace where Apple’s iPad is dominant. Twenty-five thousand is a huge number. If they were looking to do that in Europe, it would be very challenging and nigh on possible without making an acquisition. A […]

Pace of NHS Reform may cause ‘brain drain’

The Health Select Committee report said that “While such a ‘surprise’ approach is not necessarily wrong, it does increase the level of risk involved in policy implementation. It allows less time to understand complexity and detail, and less time to develop and explain policy; and it leads to less understanding of objectives by staff, patients […]

Business Secretary Reassures Indian Businesses Over UK Immigration Policy

At a speech to the Confederation of Indian Industry Mr Cable said that \”I recognise there have been concerns expressed in some quarters in India that changes to British rules on migration might be detrimental to Indian firms, but I would like to state for the record that the Government has exempted Intra-Company Transfers from […]

IPPR says UK Immigration figures not expected to show drop in 2010

The IPPR said that its forecast for 2011 was based on: The UK economy continuing to perform better that Eurozone countries including Spain, Portugal and Greece, AND An influx of people coming to the UK from Ireland. Some forecasts have hinted that the UK could see an influx of some 120,000 Irish nationals who are […]

Boris Johnson says Immigration Cap will make the UK uncompetitive

Mr Johnson said that \”There is a risk that the necessity of putting up a public show of rhetoric will do possible damage to London\’s competitiveness. I think there is a case for flexibility and I think the government understands that.\” Many UK businesses have criticized the Immigration Cap proposals, with significant concerns registered over […]

UK Government sets out Tier 4 (Student) Visa Reform Proposals

The UK Government has announced proposals for a major reform of the way the Tier 4 (Student) tier of the Points Based System operates. The proposals include tougher entrance criteria, limits on work and an end to students staying in the UK to look for a job. When announcing the proposed reforms the Damian Green […]

Cross Party Group raises concerns over tough Tier 4 (Student) Reforms

A cross party group of MPs has raised what it calls  “profound concerns” to Theresa May (the Home Secretary) over tough new plans to reform Tier 4 of the Points Based System (i.e. Student Visas). The group of MPs which includes Conservatives and Liberal Democrats has raised concerns that the reforms will force may English […]