Search Results for: Tier 2 Visa (formerly UK Work Permit).

January Visa Statistics: Australia & New Zealand

Australia, Canberra Tier 1 Highly Skilled (formerly HSMP) 19% of applications processed within 5 Days39% of applications processed within 10 Days46% of applications processed within 15 Days100% of applications processed within 30 Days100% of applications processed within 60 DaysTotal Monthly Decisions: 197 Tier 2 Skilled (formerly Work Permit) 52% of applications processed within 5 Days71% […]

Bleasdale resigns from HCL

Mrs Bleasdale’s resignation from the position of executive vice-chairman has been announced a month after she, along with Chief Financier Diane Jarvis were suspended following \”serious accounting irregularities\”. At the time the company said that it would be “carrying out an immediate investigation into the financial implications\”. Healthcare Locums shares continue to be suspended from […]

Rethink: Improving Economy driving higher niche Contractor rates

Michael Bennett, a Director of ReThink Recruitment said that \”We have recently been placing candidates on Solvency II projects – a new regulatory requirement for insurers – on £900 a day, a pay rise of up to 50% in some cases. We are anticipating demand for candidates with these – as well as other niche […]

CIPD: 40% of Employers struggling to fill vacancies from within the EEA

The Public Policy Advisor for the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, Gerwyn Davies, said that “The introduction of the temporary cap has had an impact on employers’ ability to fill vacancies and improve productivity, particularly in the National Health Service (NHS). It remains questionable whether the increase in the number of employer-related visas issued […]

Investment Banks increasing rates to lure specific skill sets

Director of Twenty Recruitment Group, Oliver Gibbons, recently said that “We are seeing an increasing trend towards commercial organisations really raising their game financially in order to lure project management, development and business analysis talent away from financial services. This is particularly true of organisations which have commodity trading elements to their business such as […]

LLPs warned to get right paperwork in place from day one

Graeme Jump, Senior Counsel at Mace & Jones Partnership said “Frighteningly, this decision was only in respect of a trial of a number of preliminary issues, but it still took nine days of High Court time. It seems quite likely that there may be further litigation. Sadly this is yet another case where business people […]

Government to Publish White Paper on Public Service Reform

The Governments plans seem to revolve around three principles: Diversity: Public Services will be opened up to a ‘range of providers competing to offer a better service’. Suppliers include private sector companies and charitable bodies Choice: The Government will aim to carry on Tony Blair’s agenda of increasing choice in public service provision. This means […]

Indian Free Trade Agreement to see 15,000 to 20,000 more UK Work Visas issued

The controversy comes following the news that the UK Government will introduce a permanent Immigration Cap from April this year with a limit of 20,700 Certificates of Sponsorship for Tier 2 General and 1,000 visas for a new ‘Exceptional Talent’ route (for Nobel Prize winning Scientists etc). The Intra Company Transfer (ICT) route which many […]

A £300m+ Trading Platform Consolidation at JP Morgan

Jes Staley, the Chief Executive of JP Morgan’s Investment Bank, said that \”Having a leading technology platform in the trading and operational space is going to be critical in dealing with the regulatory waves that are coming our way.” And Dr Giles Nelson, the Deputy Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Progress Software went on to […]