Search Results for: Tier 2 Visa (formerly UK Work Permit).

CIPD & TUC Speak Out About IDS’s Remarks

The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) and the Trade Union Congress have both spoken out following Ian Duncan Smith’s recent comments at the Conservative Party Conference where he said that there was not a lack of jobs, but a failure to match people to jobs properly, and this failure had fuelled Immigration to […]

REC says Enterprise Zone lessons must be learnt

According to the Work Foundation the Isle of Dogs Enterprise Zone (now known as Canary Wharf) had only 7,000 people employed in the area at the expiry of the zone compared with 90,000 today. The key to success it says is investment in infrastructures and not the enterprise zones themselves. William Chase, the founder of […]

Skilled Meat Boners Given The Chop Under Tier 2 General

Professor David Metcalf, the Chair of the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) said that \’Placing limits on migration requires that we are far more selective and ensure only highly skilled migrant workers can come to work in the UK. For instance, only the top 5% of chef jobs will be open to Tier 2 workers under […]

Changes to Tier 4 Student opposed by Universities

The Government has once again come under pressure over its plans to change Tier 4 of the Points Based System which is designed for International Students. 16 Professors from Universities around the country have put their names to a letter to the Observer in which they express “profound concern at the damage that would be […]

Infosys facing tax and visa fraud charges in the USA

Mr Palmer is seeking punitive damages for; Breach of contract Expenses International Infliction of emotional stress Outrage Negligence & wanton misconduct Legal misrepresentation and fraud Since filing the complaint Mr Palmer has said that he has been subject to; constant harassment, threats, retaliation, numerous threatening phone calls, monitoring of emails, racial taunts and slurs (including […]

Capita signs 5 new outsourcing deals worth £244 million

The 5 outsourcing deals are: 1.    English Heritage – an outsourcing and IT contract deal 2.    MetLife – a 10 year, £120 million deal which will include IT support and life and pensions administration for financial services 3.    London Boroughs or Bromley and Lewisham – A shared services agreement 4.    National Policing Improvement Agency – […]

Critical Shortage of IT Security Professionals

The Chair of the Cyber Security Challenge Talent Management Committee, Kevin Streater, said that \”The importance of IT to the UK\’s infrastructure has been underestimated. We need security professionals to protect the UK\’s global internet connection. For example, if a UK bank\’s infrastructure goes down, there will be huge damage to the UK economy. Only […]

50,000 NHS Job Losses + Cuts to Frontline Locums says the REC

False Economy sent Freedom of Information requests to NHS Trusts across the country asking for ‘confirmed, proposed or potential’ job losses over the next four years. They found that: 1,013 full time staff are set to be cut between 2010 and 2015 at the East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust, including 50 doctors and dental staff, […]

January Visa Statistics: USA

Tier 1 Highly Skilled (formerly HSMP) 45% of applications processed within 5 Days 64% of applications processed within 10 Days 79% of applications processed within 15 Days 96% of applications processed within 30 Days 99% of applications processed within 60 Days Total Monthly Decisions: 366 Tier 2 Skilled (formerly Work Permit) 86% of applications processed […]