Category Archives: News

Scotland Popular with UK Work Visa Holders

58% of respondents considered Scotland their ‘top choice location to live and work’ 89% said Job Satisfaction was the most important factor for those considering a new place to work and live 84% said Salary was the most important factor for those considering a new place to work and live 83% said work / life […]

Australians & New Zealanders Contracting in the UK

Each year thousands of skilled Australians and New Zealanders travel to the UK on Tier 5 Youth Mobility Visas (formerly UK Working Holidaymaker Visas) to work for a period of up to two years. Many enjoy the experience so much that they plan to return on alternative Visas such as Tier 1 (formerly HSMP) or […]

Body Scanners To Be Installed At UK Airports

The introduction of body scanners at UK airports follows the attempt by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab to blow himself up on a flight to Detroit over the Christmas period. Since then the United States, a number of European Countries (including the Netherlands) and Nigeria have either installed the scanners or have said that they plan to […]

Tier 4 Suspended in India (North)

The UK Border Agency has announced that Tier 4 (Student) of the Points Based System (PBS) has been suspended in seven visa application centres in North India, Bangladesh and Nepal while investigations are made into whether certain applications are genuine. The centres will not accept any new applications under Tier 4 Student from the 1st […]

Indian Visa Offices Closed for 4 days

Applications for UK Visas will be taken right up until the 9th February 2010 and during the closure customers will still be able to collect their passports from the centres between 9 am to 10 pm, however no new applications will be taken. Dan Chugg, Director of Press and Communications at the British High Commission […]

NHS Trusts told to Upgrade from Internet Explorer 6

Over two weeks ago Microsoft announced that a critical flaw in IE6 had been the route by which Chinese hackers had managed to enter Google’s corporate systems. The company advised uses to upgrade from IE6 to Internet Explorer 7 which contains a number of security enhancements. In an urgent technology bulletin to NHS Trusts the […]

Google Reward for Bugs found in Chrome

The announcement was made by Chris Evens of Google Chrome Security who announced the reward on the Official Chromium Blog. In a statement Mr Evens said that “Some of the most interesting security bugs we\’ve fixed have been reported by researchers external to the Chromium project. Thanks to the collaborative efforts of these people and […]

December Visa Statistics: India

India, Ahmedabad Tier 1 Highly Skilled (formerly HSMP) 50% of applications processed within 5 Days 96% of applications processed within 10 Days 100% of applications processed within 15 Days 100% of applications processed within 30 Days 100% of applications processed within 60 Days Total Monthly Decisions: 97 Tier 2 Skilled (formerly Work Permit) 35% of […]

December Visa Statistics: South Africa

South Africa, Cape Town Tier 1 Highly Skilled (formerly HSMP) 89% of applications processed within 5 Days 100% of applications processed within 10 Days 100% of applications processed within 15 Days 100% of applications processed within 30 Days 100% of applications processed within 60 Days Total Monthly Decisions: 28 Tier 2 Skilled (formerly Work Permit) […]

December Visa Statistics: Pakistan

Pakistan, Islamabad Tier 1 Highly Skilled (formerly HSMP) 0% of applications processed within 5 Days 19% of applications processed within 10 Days 39% of applications processed within 15 Days 78% of applications processed within 30 Days 90% of applications processed within 60 Days Total Monthly Decisions: 61 Tier 2 Skilled (formerly Work Permit) 15% of […]