Category Archives: News

Jacob Zuma encourages South Africans to return home

President Zuma, on his first official state visit to the UK, made the comments at a special 1,000 guest invitational at London’s Dorchester Hotel. He told guests that young South Africans were ‘picking up valuable skills while working in the UK’ however encouraged them to return at some time in the future. The flow of […]

Quarterly Update To Codes Of Practice

Download the Latest Codes of Practise For the latest Codes of Practice please visit the UK Border Agency Website What are the Codes of Practice? Before a Tier 2 Licensed company can ‘sponsor’ a worker from outside the EEA it must ensure that the job it wishes to sponsor the migrant worker for is in […]

Circular Migration: UKBA Announces International Action Plan

Circular Migration On the 3rd August 2009 the UK Border Agency published the consultation document titled ‘Earning the right to stay: a new points test for citizenship’. In it the government first proposed the idea of ‘Circular Migration’. Circular Migration means that ‘migrants are able to come, leave and come back again, without it adversely […]

National Insurance Petition

The group says that the proposed National Insurance Increase is a ‘tax on jobs and that the increase will “discourage companies of all sizes from taking on new staff at a critical point in our economic recovery”. Rather than use a National Insurance increase to close the budget deficit the group is calling for the […]

Government Response To Intra Company Transfer Petition

The following details the groups ICT Petition and the Governments official response. ICT Petition We petition the Prime Minister to abolish the \’Intra Company Transfer\’ work permits scheme immediately This scheme allows companies to bypass UK immigration rules and import non-EU workers into the UK, displacing UK/EU staff. This scheme bypasses other schemes such as […]

UKBA launches Health Tourist Consultation Document

The proposals centre on amending the Immigration Rules in order to make non payment of NHS charges specific grounds for refusal of entry or further stay in the United Kingdom. The proposals do not impact on a migrant’s access to NHS services but rather the UKBA and Department of Health aim to make it easier […]

Q4 Visa Statistics Worker Registration Scheme Statistics

In 2004 ten countries joined the European Union (EU). Two of the countries, Malta and Cyprus were given full free movement rights (including rights to work); these countries were called the ‘Accession 2’ or ‘A2’ countries.  The other eight countries, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia were given limited access to […]

Q4 Visa Statistics Managed Migration Statistics

After Entry Applications to vary Leave to Remain: The after entry application statistics relate to people who either extend or vary their Leave to Remain while in the UK. Key Findings for Quarter 4 2009: Applications to vary conditions of leave (excluding dependents) decreased by 6% to 82,660 81% of total decisions were grants of […]