Category Archives: News

UK Economy Set to Grow

According to an OECD report the world will continue to emerge from global recession however some countries will find things turn around quicker than others. The OECD estimates annualised growth of 2% in the first quarter of 2010 for the UK and predicts annual growth of 3.1% for the second quarter. The report said that […]

UKBA: Knowledge of Language & Life Changes

In order for an individual to apply for Settlement in the United Kingdom he or she must demonstrate satisfactory knowledge of English Language and Life in the UK. To do this the applicant can either: Pass a ‘Life in the UK’ Test, OR (if the applicants level of English is below ESOL Entry Level 3) […]

NHS IT Supplier Misses Deadline

The Lorenzo Patient Administration System was due to go live at hospitals operated by the Morecambe Bay University Hospital NHS Trust in Kendell on the 31st March 2010, however the deadline was missed. The £12 Billion plus programme to drive forward NHS IT has been dogged by issues including missed deadlines, poor management & supplier […]

VFS Global & Worldbridge Security Concerns

The Computers Services Corporation and VFS Global (American and Swiss organisations respectively) are responsible for providing localised Visa processing centres, checking that all application forms have been completed properly, checking basic supporting documentation has been provided, taking the biometric information of applicants and submitting all documentation to a British Diplomatic Post for assessment. Between them […]

More IT Graduates than Positions

Jeff Brooks, Chairman of the REC’s Technology Group said that “finding IT workers will be easier and allow faster placements by recruitment agencies. It is encouraging to see this growth in demand. Our members are showing increasing confidence in the sector and many of them are looking to hire more recruiters as a result. It […]

Internet Explorer Loses Market Share

According the research from Statcounter Internet Explorer web surfing has fallen by: 2.5% in France 1% in the United Kingdom (IE previously had a 60% market share compared to 26% for Firefox) 1.3% in Italy Since the introduction of the ‘choice screen’ downloads of Mozilla Firefox and Opera web browsers have increased significantly, with Opera […]

UKBA Biometric Database to be used for Identity Scheme

The Department of Work and Pensions Customer Information Systems (CIS) database, which has links to numerous local and governmental departments, is used to store personal information for everyone with a National Insurance (NI) number. After assessment and careful consideration it was decided that over expansion of the CIS database could cause future issues. The new […]

Debate 2010 Crowd Sourcing Application

The Chairman of Europe, Dr Steve Garnett said that “By teaming up with Telegraph Media Group to create Debate2010, we are inviting the UK population to have a say. This fantastic example of how cloud computing can translate into the public sector provides a wake up call for politicians. Engaging in interactive, online discussions […]