Category Archives: News

NHS Trust Rolls Out Tablet Computers

Jawad Chaudhry, Project Manager, said that “The aim with the tablet rollout was to improve clinical care, and we certainly did that. The number of patients seen by staff with tablet computers increased by 20 – 30% per week because staff didn’t need to travel back to the office between appointments.” Technological improvements in the […]

Social Media Sites Increase Demand For Specialist Web Developers

The Association of Professional Staffing Companies (APSCO), the UK’s leading professional recruitment industry body, has said that according to members such as JMK Recruitment and ReadyPeople demand has intensified significantly over the last few years. JMK Recruitment believes that the emphasis is now much more firmly on interactivity rather than plain information. Social Media sites […]

Indian IT Service Firms Expected To Do Well In 2010

So far this year both Cognizant Technologies and Infosys have predicted strong growth in the UK market of 20% and 16% to 18% respectively. Those predictions have even come before the General Election, due on May 6th, which has effectively ground to a halt the decision making process over large scale IT projects in the […]

NHS Spends £1 Billion Searching For Missing Equipment

The survey found that: Patient records and lab results go missing at least once a day according to over a quarter of hospital nurses Only 10% of nurses feel they have the time to check patient records thoroughly all 33% of nurses believe the use of physical patient records, instead of electronic systems, are responsible […]

Leading Doctors Support Centralisation of Services

The proposals seem to follow blueprints being laid down by specialist Indian Hospitals. Currently in India specialist hospitals, especially in heart surgery, are being developed in order to deal with the mass treatment of patients. Hospitals deal with a bulk number of patients, are provided with specialist cutting edge technologies and are staffed with a […]

Public to be informed of NHS Treatment Costs?

The Health Secretary, Andy Burnham, said that “A free at the point of use service is only sustainable if people use it responsibly, and only take out according to their need at any given moment. I think informing people about the costs of services and using them responsibly is something we probably need to take […]

Private Sector Hiring Surge Expected

The positive results are almost wholly down to a hiring rebound in the private sector, especially in those areas which have been badly hit by the recession. The CIPD’s Public Policy Advisor, Gerwyn Davies, said “a sustained global economic recovery could mean a growth of full-time jobs in the private sector. This will boost private-sector […]

Top Professionals Still Keen To Work Abroad

Key Points from the Study: 28% of professionals would use an International Recruitment Agency to find a job abroad 16% of professionals would use a head hunter to find a job abroad 64% of professionals use an Internet search to conduct research into moving overseas The Chief Executive of Hydrogen Group, Tim Smeaton, said that […]