Category Archives: News

Illegal Immigration Falls On The Back Of Economic Decline

The report highlighted that: 33% fewer people attempted to cross external land and sea borders of member states in 2009 Greece accounts for 75% of all illegal border crossing detentions Many migrants move on from Greece to Western Countries with forged documents obtained in the country Turkey is now considered the most important transit country […]

UKBA Warns Of Bogus Job Offers

The Director of Communications for the UK Border Agency, Rob Yeldham, said that “My name has been used in several apparent attempts to scam foreign professionals looking for work in the UK. We have referred cases to our security unit, but at this stage it is unclear what the nature of the scam is, or […]

IPPR Migration Report Reveals Benefits For International Workers

In the report the IPPR and GDN reveal that: Migrants normally improve the standard of living in their home communities significantly by sending remittances back home. More than 50% of respondents sent money back to their homeland 70 to 90% of migrants are reported to have increased their real disposable incomes while abroad In Columbia […]

Mark Prisk Appointment Good News For Contractors

In March 2010 while in opposition with the Conservatives, Mr Prisk wrote to the Professional Contractors Group (PCG) to set out the party’s stance on the issues of IR35 and small business taxation. In the letter he said that “I am pleased to confirm that, if elected, a Conservative Government would undertake a fundamental review […]

Will Contractors Gain From The Coalition?

Following the formation of the new Government a coalition agreement was published which set out key joint policies. We have picked out below some of the key policies that are expected to affect contractors in the coming years. Increase in the Employers National Insurance Threshold The new Government will hold an emergency budget within 50 […]

Health Secretary Announces Plans To Change Out Of Hours Care

Under the new system family GPs will be handed responsibility for commissioning out-of-hours care (currently Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) hold responsibility for commissioning), however a return to the old out-of-hours system whereby GPs had to be on call to provide 24-7 out-of-hours care has been ruled out. Rather, General Practitioners in local groups or PBC […]

BMA Warns NHS Doctor Training Funds Must Be Protected

Dr Datta said “The NHS prides itself, quite rightly, on its highly trained staff, but the quality of doctors it produces depends on the quality of training provided. Alarmingly, our training is now under threat on many fronts: from the £20 billion worth of efficiency savings, politician-speak for cuts; from the understaffed rotas one in […]

REC Jobs Outlook Survey Shows Increase In Demand For Temporary Workers

The Director of Research at the Recruitment and Employment Confederation, Roger Tweedy, said “again, our findings show the vital role agency workers are now playing in helping to sustain the fragile economic recovery and in providing a bridge in capacity until employers begin to grow their permanent workforces more significantly in the autumn. The current demand […]