Category Archives: News

Home Secretary Sent 100 Day Workplace Guide

The position of Home Secretary has been something of a revolving door in the last few years with five Home Secretaries since 2005, namely; Charles Clarke, John Reid, Jacqui Smith, Alan Johnson and now Theresa May. With the Home Office and UK Border Agency facing substantial changes in the coming months (including the introduction of […]

ID Cards Scrapped Within 100 Days

Following the enactment of the Identity Documents Bill: The National Identity Register (the database that contains card holder information including biographic and biometric data) will be destroyed The Identity and Passport Service will inform customers, overseas governments, borders and airports of the change The role of the Identity Commission will be terminated The new Conservative […]

CIPD Calls For EWTR To Be Scrapped

The Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development’s Employee Relations Advisor, Mike Emmott, said that “We believe that the Working Time Regulations in particular have negligible value in limiting unhealthy workplace behaviour. We are, therefore, calling for its repeal in the context of the review currently being undertaken by the European Commission.\” The European Working Time […]

IT Contractors Feel Effects Of Public Sector Budget Cuts

In the Chancellor’s recent statement on budget cuts, Mr Osborne announced measures to save £95 million through a reduction in IT spending, £120 million through a civil service recruitment freeze and £1.2 billion from local government. Although the proposed cuts in Public Sector Expenditure are not ideal the majority of IT contractors would prefer significant […]

BMA: Safer Rotas Required

The report, with has been undertaken by the British Medical Association’s Scottish Junior Doctors Committee (SJDC) claims that although work patterns appear to be compliant with the European Working Time Directive (EWTD) long periods of ‘unsociable hours could have serious implications for the health and wellbeing of doctors and negatively affect patient care’. However, with […]

Healthcare Locums (HCL) Takeover?

A recent trading statement said that “Cumulatively, trading in the first four months of the year was in line with management’s expectations, despite slower than expected trading in April. Since the year end HCL has a won a number of new key contracts for its UK locum divisions, from large NHS and PCT operators across […]

IR35 Addressed In Queen’s Speech?

Professional Contractors Group Response to Queens Speech The Managing Director of the Professional Contractors Group, John Brazier, said that “This builds on the Government’s announcement to seek a replacement for IR35. By all accounts, the momentum is clearly building to consign this unfair and unclear piece of legislation to the scrapheap. In particular we warmly […]

Immigration Proposals In Queen’s Speech

Non EEA Immigration Cap The new Conservative / Liberal Democrat Coalition Government plan to introduce an annual cap on Immigration that will cut the number of migrants coming to the UK each year from ‘hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands’. The Government is currently looking at how a suitable system can be introduced without […]

Illegal Marriage Operation Uncovered By Sky News

Mr Patel attempted to charge £12,000 for supplying the groom and providing advice; including telling the couple they could ‘pretend they were living together by setting up bank accounts in joint names’. One comment in the testimonials section of the Yana UK website says that “the individual is one the most genuine advisors. Mr. Jayesh […]