Category Archives: News

UK Immigration Cap To Be Introduced On Monday

The introduction of the Immigration Cap will realise a pledge made by the Conservatives during the General Election campaign to cap the number of non EEA nationals coming to the UK each year. Prior to the General Election David Cameron (Prime Minister & leader of the Conservative Party), said that under a Conservative Government net […]

Doctors Must Be At The Heart Of NHS Reforms Say The British Medical Association

Nigel Watson, the GPC commissioning and service development subcommittee chair said that “The abolition of PCTs is something that they did not see coming. There is a real risk that in the transitional phase until 2013 all the good managers will go off and find other jobs. We need to work with the Department of […]

Labour Attack NHS Reform Plans At Prime Minister’s Questions

Harriet Harman, the temporary Labour Leader said to the Prime Minister \”The White Paper admits there will be extra cost because of loss of productivity, staff relocation and redundancies. Does he (David Cameron) stand by what he said just a few months ago about NHS reorganisation? He said the disruption is terrible, the demoralisation worse, […]

Unemployment Falls, However Business Groups And Contractors Still Concerned

The news will be of no comfort to highly skilled IT Contractors who are presently enjoying the return of well paying contracts following the economic downturn. The recession caused many businesses to reassess their IT needs, with many deferring projects until a later date or cancelling them altogether. News of tougher times will undoubtedly prompt […]

Monster Employment Index Increases By Just 1 Point For June

In other parts of Europe Germany was the strongest performer with much of the rest of Europe, including Sweden & Belgium, remaining relatively stable. Many in the contracting community will be watching the hiring indicators closely in the months to come following warnings from the Office of Budget Responsibility (OBR) that the country may be […]

Contractors Concerned By Threat Of Double Dip Recession

A senor member of the Office of Budget Responsibility, Geoffrey Dicks, told the Treasury select committee that spending cuts will hurt growth and increase the chances of a double-dip recession occurring. He said that the OBR had taken 0.5% off GDP and the near term outlook for GDP was not as good as it was […]

NHS Spent £1.6 Billion In 2008-2009 On Information Technology According To New Figures

The National Programme for Information Technology (NPfIT), which is set for a large scale revamp following the announcement of radical changes to the NHS, managed to cost the taxpayer £1.06 Billion in the period. CSC, Fujitsu and Atos appear to have been the biggest beneficiaries from National Health Service IT spending, with CSC taking £232 […]

Immigration Cap Expected To Drive NHS Specialist Nurse Training

Peter Griffiths, the director of the National Nursing Research Unit, has said the onus is on the NHS to solve any shortages by training its own staff, rather than recruiting from abroad. Mr Griffiths recently told the Nursing Times that some areas, including theatre nurses, were experiencing shortages because they were no longer part of […]

London & South East Responsible For 64% Of All New Information Technology Jobs In The UK

ReThink Recruitment Director, Michael Bennett, said that “London has a high concentration of financial services firms, which are heavy users of IT skills. Many of them responded to the downturn by cutting their IT departments to the bone. As businesses levels have picked up, many have found themselves understaffed and have had to replace a […]

Demand For IT Workers Up By 20% On 2009

Dave Pye of the Recruitment and Employment Confederations (REC) technology sector group said that “A lot of the growth we have seen has been for business technology skills, rather than just pure-play technology skills, for areas like financial services or pharmaceuticals, underlining demand for people that can get things done. The demand we have seen […]