Category Archives: News

CISx Computer System Scrapped By Government

The CIXs Project Leader, Richard Jones, said in 2007 that \”the Department of Work and Pensions will be the provider of the CISx service for all departments and, alongside HM Revenue and Customs and IPS, influence its direction and fund its development. This is a groundbreaking and complex delivery, however we are committed to developing […]

Gartner Advises Firms To Move To Windows 7 Sooner Rather Than Later

Charles Smulders, managing Vice President at Gartner said that \”Microsoft will support Windows XP for four more years. With most migrations not starting until the fourth quarter of 2010 at the earliest, and PC hardware replacement cycles typically running at four to five years, most organisations will not be able to migrate to Windows 7 […]

Possible NHS Professionals Privatisation Angers Unions

Unison is concerned that costs to the National Health Service will increase if the not for profit body is privatised as companies will want a ‘piece of the action’. However, private sector medical agencies believe that any privatisation would help to improve efficiency in the NHS and actually reduce operational costs. The cost of administering […]

UK Government Urged To Announce How Immigration Cap Will Work With Net Immigration Target

Sarah Mulley from the Institute for Public Policy Research said: “This demonstrates the difficult task that the government has set itself in seeking to significantly reduce total net immigration – a measure over which it has only limited control. The impact of changes in British migration (over which the government has no control at all) […]

REC Responds To Findings Of Immigration Cap Report

The Chief Executive of the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC), Kevin Green, said that “With the Government’s proposed cap on migrant workers from outside of the European Union, it is going to be very difficult for the private sector to grow at a fast enough rate to get the UK’s labour market improving when there is […]

UK Net Immigration Hits 196,000, However The Number Of Tier 1 & 2 Approvals Falls Significantly

Speaking on the figures Damian Green the Immigration Minister said that \”What these figures tell me is that we also need to look at the other routes by which people come into this country, maybe for education, for family reunion reasons and also, in particular, routes that lead to permanent settlement. Because hidden in these […]

NHS Workforce Planning Report Calls For Imbalance Of Specialist Training Posts To Be Addressed

The Head of Medical Pay and Workforce at NHS Employers, Bill McMillan, said that “It is critical that the correct number of doctors are trained in the specialities and geographical areas where they are needed most, to avoid the risk of a shortage or significant oversupply. Both of these things would be expensive, demoralising for […]

Tier 1 & Tier 2 Immigration Cap Consultation Reminder

The Director of the HSMP Forum, Amit Kapadia, said that “The UK government\’s move to impose an illogical cap will be opposed. We don\’t think that any sort of cap would work out. It would be unworkable. The effects remain to be seen, but if the government really tries to implement drastic measures it is […]