Category Archives: News

Government U-Turn On High Speed Fibre Optic Network Pledge

The Director of convergence and network strategy at Star, Hugo Harber, said that \”The decision not to conduct the review creates an imbalance. If you\’re running a small network, and you\’re not one of the big two (British Telecom and Virgin Media), then it\’s going to cost you more to run fibre to a local […]

Wales Catching Up With Rest Of The UK In Broadband And Digital Services

The Ofcom director of Wales, Rhodri Williams, said that \”It’s good to see that the digital divide between Wales and the UK as a whole is narrowing. Communications services are rapidly becoming a necessity rather than a luxury for Welsh consumers and businesses in all parts of Wales. Even though our report indicates that there […]

Government Information Technology Fastest Growing Technology Sector In 2010 According To Gartner

Research Director at Gartner, Kenneth Brant, said that \”We are advising our technology provider clients to prepare business plans for 2011 on the basis of our most-likely scenario for enterprise IT spending growth – 3.5%. However, they should act now to develop contingencies to mitigate the risk of zero growth in 2011, a scenario that […]

SMEs See Information Technology As A Contractor Role Rather Than An In-House Position

Xenios Thrasyvoulou, Chief Executive of, has said that \”The last decade has seen a boom in remote freelance working, facilitated by the internet. This has been led by the IT industry, which lends itself to freelancing. Our survey findings suggest that the importance of IT industry to the freelance economy is set to grow.\” […]

Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust Loses 112 Patient Records At Bus Stop

The Head of Enforcement at the Information Commissioner’s Office, Mick Gorrill, said that “The fact that this information was several years old is of no consequence – patients’ personal data should always be handled in accordance with the Data Protection Act. I am pleased that the Trust has agreed to take remedial steps to ensure […]

NHS Trusts Using Simulation Modelling Solutions To Improve Staff And Equipment Resource Management

The Associate Director and Head of Healthcare at Frontline, Andrew Butters, said that “It enables you to look at how work flows through a department. So you can look at the levels of staff and demand and model changing patterns of need. It will recognise the big bulge in demand within accident and emergency on […]

Audit Commission Says NHS May Have Charged £1 Billion Incorrectly Due To Poor Data

The Managing Director of Health at the Audit Commission, Andy McKeon, said that “It\’s reassuring that the NHS is getting better at clinical coding. Efficiency is more important than ever and accurate clinical coding under payment by results will contribute to better data, better decisions and better outcomes for patients. But the variation in error […]

Engineering Skills Shortage Predicted by Siemens Human Resources Director

Mike Jones, Human Resources Director for the Energy Sector at Siemens, said that “There is a need to develop an estimated 50,000 skilled engineers, project managers, construction supervisors and craft workers nationally over the next 10 years. A further 70,000 UK jobs will also be created in the offshore wind sector by 2020. But if […]

UK Government Should Outsource IT Work To India According To Ovum

Edward Thomas, a senior analyst at Ovum, said that \”In the past the government struggled because of the political implications of outsourcing to India, but as it looks at costs with greater scrutiny I wouldn\’t be surprised if we start seeing more contracts coming from this area. Since the recession, companies have become more wary […]