Category Archives: News

July Visa Statistics: South Africa

South Africa, Cape Town Tier 1 Highly Skilled (formerly HSMP) 96% of applications processed within 5 Days 96% of applications processed within 10 Days 96% of applications processed within 15 Days 96% of applications processed within 30 Days 100% of applications processed within 60 Days Total Monthly Decisions: 27 Tier 2 Skilled (formerly Work Permit) […]

July Visa Statistics: USA

USA, State Group 1 (Los Angeles): Covers Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Louisiana, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington State and Wyoming Tier 1 Highly Skilled (formerly HSMP) 85% of applications processed within 5 Days 93% of applications processed within 10 Days 96% of applications processed within 15 […]

July Visa Statistics: Canada

Canada, Edmonton Tier 1 Highly Skilled (formerly HSMP) 55% of applications processed within 5 Days 100% of applications processed within 10 Days 100% of applications processed within 15 Days 100% of applications processed within 30 Days 100% of applications processed within 60 Days Total Monthly Decisions: 9 Tier 2 Skilled (formerly Work Permit) 73% of […]

July Visa Statistics: Australia & New Zealand

Australia, Canberra Tier 1 Highly Skilled (formerly HSMP) 88% of applications processed within 5 Days97% of applications processed within 10 Days98% of applications processed within 15 Days99% of applications processed within 30 Days100% of applications processed within 60 DaysTotal Monthly Decisions: 152 Tier 2 Skilled (formerly Work Permit) 30% of applications processed within 5 Days85% […]

ACCA Hopes That HMRC Is Geared Up To Deal With Tax Queries In Light Of PAYE Error

Chas Roy Chowdhury, the ACCA’s Head of Taxation said that “HMRC’s recent announcement is worrying for many ordinary tax payers. While it is important we pay the right amount of tax at the right time, it is also important that our tax authority bills us correctly and keeps correct records. It is also important that […]

REC To Voice Recruitment Community Concerns Over Immigration Cap

Tom Hadley, the REC’s Director of External Relations has said that “Recruiters have voiced a number of concerns with regards to the Government\’s proposed plans on immigration.  This will always be a highly sensitive and politicised issue but we must ensure that immigration policy reflects the needs of the UK jobs market. REC members are […]

20,000 People Killed By Jobs Each Year Says TUC

The report says that: At least 20,000 people die early as a result of cancers, lung disorders, traffic accidents, exposure to chemicals/fumes etc Just over 8,000 deaths are caused each year by occupational cancers Roughly 1.2 million people working in the UK suffer from work related illnesses such as stress, back paid, neck pain, heart […]

MAC Chairman To Give Views On Immigration Cap To Commons Home Affairs Select Committee

On the 19th July 2010 the Government introduced a temporary (interim) Immigration Cap intended to bring about an immediate 5% reduction on the previous years Immigration total, with the permanent Immigration Cap being introduced next year. At present the Government is conducting a public consultation over the plans and the Migration Advisory Committee is considering […]

Immigration Minister Confirms Government Will Look At All Immigration Routes Into The UK And Set New Rules

Mr Green and many within the Government believe that on its own the annual limit on workers from outside the European Union (the Immigration Cap) will not be enough to reduce net migration levels to tens of thousands per year. Many now believe the Government will clamp down on Tier 4 (Student Visas) following the […]

UKBA Publishes New Tier 1 And Tier 2 General Documents

The following Immigration Categories have been given updated Guidance Documents & Application Forms: Tier 1 (General) form Tier 1 (Post-study Work) form Tier 2 form Tier 4 (General) form Tier 4 (Child) form PBS Dependant form Applicants should ensure that they use the updated form when submitting a visa application in order to avoid rejection. […]