Category Archives: News

RCN warns that small increase in NHS budget will feel like a cut

Dr Peter Carter, the Chief Executive and General Secretary of the Royal College of Nursing, said that “We welcome the government’s commitment to a real-terms increase in National Health Service funding. However, the reality is that this small increase at a time of soaring demand and the rising costs of health care, will still feel […]

Spending Cuts may be achieved through Out-souring or back office consolidation

Sarah Burnett, a senior analyst at Ovum, said that \”Demand for off-shoring will grow as a result of the government\’s negotiations with existing IT suppliers to deliver the same for less. Off-shoring is one way for suppliers to deliver the requisite cuts in prices.\” The Director at Burnt Oak Partners, Robert Morgan, said that “off-shoring […]

Doctors concerned by plans to cut GP funding in Northern Ireland

In a letter to assembly members, Dr Brian Dunn, Chair of the BMA Northern Ireland GPs Committee said that ‘The cuts, far from being aimed at reducing administration costs, will have a direct impact on frontline patient services and on resources to pay frontline staff. Practices are being forced to consider cutting staff hours and […]

Concern that Private Sector will not be able to pick up the slack in Scotland

Lisa Boutineau, the regional director for REC Scotland said that “As Scotland has been one of the regions most hardest hit, we need urgent action to boost our labour market. The feedback from recruitment professionals shows increasing hiring activity in some sectors but there are major challenges facing specific groups of jobseekers – particularly young […]

HMRC to achieve 15% savings through smarter Information Technology

The Director of Information Technology at the HM Revenue and Customs recently said that \”It does not matter who you give the services to, the IT department will still retain accountability. This is a significant task to undertake. But organisations like HMRC and DWP are committed to doing this. We are in a situation where […]

Aviation Engineer Shortage restricts Industry

Scott Drach of Boeing said that “When we look across the aerospace industry and our ageing workforce we are concerned about the number of engineers that are coming out of universities in the US and abroad, and how we will fill the talent pipeline and transition the knowledge that experienced engineers have. The competition for […]

PCG calls for AWR clarity

The Managing Director of the Professional Contractors Group (PCG), John Brazier, said that \”The Agency Worker Regulations already exempt contractors working through their own limited companies and the genuinely self-employed. In our view this needs to be made as unambiguous as possible in the accompanying guidance. No room must be left for misinterpretation otherwise PCG […]

New North / South Divide Developing?

The Senior Economist at The Work Foundation, Neil Lee, said that \”The public sector is not just an employer – it provides services and is an important customer for local businesses. Cutting public spending will have knock-on effects on private sector employment, and this will be worse in areas with weaker economies.\” The Director of the […]

Tier 1 Immigration Cap Reached For October

The UK Border Agency (UKBA) has announced that is has reached the interim Immigration Cap for the month of October and no more visas will be issued to overseas applicants under Tier 1 General until the limit allocation reopens once more on Monday the 1st November 2010. If you are applying from outside of the […]