Author Archives: admin

Budget good in the long run but of little immediate impact

John Philpott, the Chief Economist at the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) said that “The OBR forecasts have moved closer to the economic outlook for 2011 published by the CIPD following Mr Osborne’s first budget last year, but still look very optimistic for 2012 onward and may well have to be revised further […]

Income Tax & National Insurance Systems to be merged?

A senior tax manager at Grant Thornton UK, Ellie Gamble, said that “We cautiously welcome government plans to merge the operation of income tax and NICs. This could really make life easier for both employer and employee. We would, however, urge the government not to rush anything through. Moreover, the change should not lead to […]

Diane Jarvis resigns from Healthcare Locums (HCL)

Last month Mrs Bleasdale resigned from the board of Healthcare Locums (HCL), the business she founded in 2003, a month after the company’s shares were suspended amid ‘serious accounting irregularities’. In last month’s statement HCL said that “Kathleen Veronica Bleasdale has resigned from the board of directors of the company with immediate effect. This does […]

Changes to UK Immigration will make it difficult for employers to recruit highly skilled professionals

Speaking to the Recruiter a partner of the law firm Irwin Mitchell, John Hayes, said that “This cap of 1,000 visas could potentially make it very difficult for highly skilled migrant workers to obtain a visa to enter the UK to work. The limit is likely to be seen as an arbitrary number by employers […]

Home Office & JobCentre Plus Strikes could affect Tier 2 Visa Approvals

Recently members of the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) voted in favour of industrial action with union members in both the Department of Work and Pensions and the Home Office backing action in two separate disputes. 70% of members at the DWP voted for strike action while 82% of Home Office members voted in […]

REC announces plans for an AWR Summit

Speaking on the summit, Kevin Green, the Chief Executive of the Recruitment and Employment Confederation said that “We are now only seven months away from the introduction of one of the most significant pieces of regulation ever to affect the recruitment industry.  Our members’ recent feed-back still shows that clear guidance is still needed and […]

Unemployment Figures hit 2.53 million however number of IT Contracts surge

The Chief Executive of the Recruitment and Employment Confederation, Kevin Green, said that “There have been positive signs of improving employer confidence and increased hiring activity in many sectors. However, today’s figures confirm that the private sector is some way off being able to absorb public sector job cuts. The continuing rise in the number […]

IT Contract Market Surging Ahead

The Managing Director of IT recruiter Jenrick recently said that “Our clients have been motivated to engage IT contract expertise to re-boot projects that have been in the doldrums. With all the signs that the UK is in the throes of recovery, clients find they have a need to regain their competitive edge and ‘steal […]

REC welcomes Tier 1 Exceptional Talent Visa

The Chair of the Recruitment and Employment Confederations Pharmaceutical & Scientific group, Lawrence Levy, said that “Britain clearly benefits from allowing world-class scientists to work here, and as such this announcement is welcome news. Scientists of this calibre are being sought by every industrialised country, and the need to keep Britain globally competitive in attracting […]