Author Archives: admin

FCB Survey shows that SMEs are facing Skill Shortages

Tom Parry of the Forum of Private Business (FPB) said that “Micro, small and medium sized businesses were responsible for 65 per cent of jobs created between 1997 and 2007, so smaller employers are crucial to job creation in this country. It is concerning that small business owners’ confidence in their ability to create jobs […]

EBT Contractors given until 31st December 2011 to come clean

The Permanent Secretary of the HM Revenue & Customs, Dave Hartnett, said that “This approach to customers gives them the opportunity to discuss their cases with us and work in partnership to establish how the facts of their case fit within the proposals. If EBT users do not respond by 31 December 2011, HMRC will […]

CIPD says Immigration Cap is a some pain, little gain policy

Mr Davies said that “The number of non-EU workers coming into the country via the points-based system has amounted to tens of thousands in the past couple of years. This is a, some pain, little gain policy. Further reductions will bring little gain for the government’s policy objective to bring net migration down to the […]

Technical Controls to be introduced in the Schengen Area?

Last week Italy was given a warning by Germany, France, Russia and Switzerland over the country’s decision to grant more than 25,000 Schengen Visas to Tunisian economic migrants who have been fleeing the country on fishing boats in droves since the start of the year. The European Commission President, Jose Manuel Barroso, has also called […] says 67% of IT Consultants considering working abroad

The Managing Director of, Alex Farrell, said that “I was very alarmed to read these statistics – clearly large numbers of UK IT professionals have either made the move overseas at some stage in their career, or this is something they are planning. If this boils down to quality of the jobs on offer […]

Monster unveil new mobile job hunting app

Graeme Goulden, Product Manager at Monster said that “At Monster we understand that mobile devices have become an integral part of people’s lives and the introduction of the Android app has been designed to address this. Users shouldn’t be restricted to having to track down a computer every time they want to go online to […]

UK Recruitment Agencies told to add value to Clients

Mr Gilbertson said that “I think the recruitment marketplace is always tight, and margins are always under pressure. A lot of organisations, irrespective of sector, are taking the ‘direct to market’ route, using fewer third parties. Therefore recruitment agencies have to raise their game in terms of the value they add to an organisation. They […]

HMRC doubles Enforcement Officers to 200 people

Announcing the new enforcement measures, Mike Eland, the Director General of Enforcement and Compliance at the HMRC said that \”Building on HMRC\’s successful approach to tackling fraud in the labour provider industry, these teams will make it even harder for fraudsters. We will tackle employers who don\’t play by the rules and the organised crime […]

March Visa Statistics: Nigeria

Nigeria, Abuja Tier 1 Highly Skilled (formerly HSMP) 95% of applications processed within 5 Days 100% of applications processed within 10 Days 100% of applications processed within 15 Days 100% of applications processed within 30 Days 100% of applications processed within 60 Days Total Monthly Decisions: 177 Tier 2 Skilled (formerly Work Permit) 100% of […]

March Visa Statistics: Bangladesh

Bangladesh, Dhaka Tier 1 Highly Skilled (formerly HSMP) 86% of applications processed within 5 Days 95% of applications processed within 10 Days 97% of applications processed within 15 Days 100% of applications processed within 30 Days 100% of applications processed within 60 Days Total Monthly Decisions: 46 Tier 2 Skilled (formerly Work Permit) 53% of […]