Author Archives: admin

Migration Advisory Committee Proposes Cuts to Shortage Occupation List

The Shortage Occupation List is a roster of jobs for which there is an endemic shortage of suitably skilled resident workers. If a job appears on the list, an employer can fill it with a non-European Union national without having to complete a resident labour market test. Applications to fill shortage occupations also get priority […]

Microsoft previews new Windows 8 Operating System

Microsoft has been under pressure to respond to Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android platforms.  Windows 8 was unveiled at the Build developers’ conference in California, Windows divisions presidents, Steven Sinofsky said: “We re-imagined Windows. From the chipset to the user experience.\” The system will function through one of two interfaces: a traditional desktop, similar to […]

TB: Plan to tackle rise in drug-resistant cases

The WHO estimates there are 81,000 cases of drug-resistant TB a year in Europe, although many countries are failing to diagnose it. The plan aims to increase diagnosis and access to treatment. Experts believe it has the potential to save several billion pounds and 120,000 lives by 2015. Russia, Ukraine and Azerbaijan are among the […]

Family migration reform to promote better integration

During a speech at the Centre for Policy Studies, the Minister highlighted research that supports the government\’s proposals on family migration. The proposals which are currently being consulted on will prevent the family route being used to bypass immigration laws, while welcoming those who want to make a life here with their family and contribute […]

Immigration cap poses risk to UK economy

The popular Tier 1 (General) category no longer exists. There is a new Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent)category; however, hardly anyone meets the requirements for this visa category. Moreover, Tier 2 skilled immigration for applicants with a job offer from a UK employer was capped at approximately 21,000 visas per year and, for many people, made […]

Google jumps off the fence as HTC launches another legal battle with Apple

The complaint concerns the nine patents brought last week from Google, four originally from Motorola, three from Openware Systems, and two from Palm.  The general counsel of the HTC Corporation, Grace Lei, said: “We are taking this action against Apple to protect our intellectual property, our industry partners, and most importantly our customers that use […]

EU executive to stop countries bringing back border controls

The free travel regime, known as the Schengen system- was questioned earlier this year when Silvio Berlusconi and Nicolas Sarkozy, feuded over a small influx of immigrants from Tunisia. France reintroduced border controls to stop the immigrants arriving from Italy. Denmark then unilaterally decided to re-erect border and customs checks on its borders with Germany […]

NHS staff dispute Cameron claim of support for reforms

During Prime Minister’s questions, Mr Milliband stated that in newspaper articles published this week, the British Medical Association, Royal College of GPs and Midwives had still “all rejected your bill”. Nevertheless, Mr Cameron insisted that “now you’ve got the Royal College of GPs, the physicians, the nurses, people working in the health service supporting the […]

Treatment for remote stroke patients facilitated by HD video conferencing

The telemedicine project will allow doctors to assess stroke victims in hospitals remotely, to decide if they need a treatment known as thrombolysis. The project will include the delivery of an IP VPN. It will connect doctors with core infrastructure supporting high definition (HD) video and audio. The VPN will include a hosted VC gatekeeper, […]