Author Archives: admin

Overseas visitors will pay the price for their NHS debts

Changes to the Immigration Rules detailed in Parliament recently, meaning that those subject to immigration control who fail to settle an outstanding bill of £1,000 or more will not be allowed to enter or remain in the UK until the debt is paid off. Damian Green said: ‘the NHS is designed to meet the healthcare […]

‘Alarming’ basic care provided to the elderly in hospital

Common areas of concern included a lack of support for those who needed help eating, poor hygiene and curtains not being closed properly. Health Secretary Andrew Lansley said he would encourage whistle-blowers to highlight any concerns they had about the standard of hospital care for the elderly. He said: “We expect that staff across the […]

UK citizenship test may include knowledge of British history

Prime Minister, David Cameron, said “there’s a whole chapter in the citizenship handbook on British history. But, incredibly, there are no questions on British history in the test. Instead you’ll find questions on the roles and powers of the main institutions of Europe and the benefits system within the UK. So we are going to […]

Olympic Games computer systems prepare for cyber attacks

Scenarios to be run include a massive denial of service attack on the official website, and a virus getting onto organisers’ computers. Despite the extensive planning, Olympic bosses say they are unaware of any specific threat. Nevertheless, one of the biggest fears around the Olympics is not a crashed server or power outage, but a […]

Bangladesh unveils £83 laptop

The state-owned telecoms company Telephone Shilpa Sangstha (TSS) is producing four models of the laptop. The most basic one is priced at 10,000 taka (£83). The primary model runs the android operating system. Initially, the laptop will be distributed to various government departments. But later on they will be made available to the public and […]

Samsung seek injunction on iPhone 4s in France and Italy

Apple has obtained temporary embargoes on its rivals’ products in Australia and Germany and is seeking similar rulings in several other countries. In a statement, Samsung said: “Apple has continued to flagrantly violate our intellectual property rights and free ride on our technology, and we will steadfastly protect our intellectual property.” Samsung’s claim centres around […]

Misleading UK immigration claims results in a clash between politicians

In justifying the proposal, May used the example of a Bolivian man who avoided deportation based on the fact that he had a pet cat in the country. The Home Secretary cited the case of an “illegal immigrant who cannot be deported because – and I am not making this up – he had pet […]

GPs will face English language test

Mr Lansley told the Conservative Party conference that GPs would be vetted to ensure they had adequate language skills and could communicate properly, a move to evidence “absolute commitment” to guarantee patient safety. Further pledges include a reduction in bureaucracy and spending on management consultants. The pledge on language skills, which applies to the NHS […]

India launches tablet computer priced at £23

The Aakash has been developed by UK-based company DataWind and Indian Institute of Technology (Rajasthan). It is due to be assembled in India, at DataWind’s new production centre in the southern city of Hyderabad. DataWind CEO Suneet Singh Tuli, stated: “Our goal was to break the price barrier for computing and internet access. We’ve created […]