Author Archives: admin

Tier 2 Minister of Religion Visa

Tier 2 Minister of Religion visas are for those who have been offered employment or a post as a minister of religion, a missionary or a member of a religious order in the United Kingdom. Pastoral and Missionary Duties Tier 2 Pastoral duties can include: Leading worship regularly and on special occasions Giving religious education […]

Tier 2 Sportsperson Visa

The Tier 2 Sportsperson visa is a sub-category designed to allow UK based sporting organisations to employ elite sportspeople and coaches who are ‘Internationally established at the highest level’. Please note that the category is not designed for amateur or junior professional sportspeople. If you are interested in applying for Tier 2 Sportsperson Visa or […]

ILR | Tier 2 Intra Company Transfer

If you hold a Tier 2 Intra Company Transfer Visa (ICT) issued before the 6th April 2010 you may be able to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (otherwise known as Permanent Residence) on completing 5 full qualifying years. However, if you were approved an Intra Company Transfer visa after the 6th April 2010 time […]

Tier 2 ICT to Tier 2 General

It is possible to ‘switch’ from Tier 2 ICT to Tier 2 General, in country, in a limited number of cases. If you do not possess a status that allows you to switch you will need to return to your home country in order to submit a fresh application in respect of the prospective employer. […]

Tier 2 ICT Visa | Tier 2 Intra Company Transfer Visa

Tier 2 ICT (Intra Company Transfer) Visas are designed to allow multi-national companies to transfer overseas employees to the UK to fill specific roles which they have not been able to fill with resident workers (except in the case of Graduate Trainee and Skills Transfer ICTs). ICT visas are very popular in the technology sector and […]

Tier 2 General to ILR & Citizenship Route

After completing 5 full years in the UK on a Tier 2 General Visa you can apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) so long as you have not spent any more than 90 days outside the country in any one year. Holding Indefinite Leave to Remain (also known as Permanent Residence) means that you […]

Tier 2 Dependents | Work Permit Dependent

If you hold a Tier 2 General Visa you can bring your dependents with you while you work in the UK so long as you do not require access to public funds. While here your dependents can access the National Health Service (NHS) and State Schools for free just as any other UK resident would.

Tier 2 Visa Extension Applications

A Tier 2 Visa Extension of 2 years can be granted following on from the initial Tier 2 General Visa period of 3 years. The application process is normally straightforward since an individual will simply be applying to extend their leave with an established Tier 2 Sponsor.

Tier 2 Transfer Applications

Tier 2 Transfer Applications relate to situations where an individual with existing leave to remain will either change their employment in county OR switch from one Immigration category to another (e.g. Tier 1 PSW to Tier 2 General). In order to bring about an In Country Tier 2 Transfer a Tier 2 Licensed Employer will […]